Thursday, July 26, 2007

    Question of the day!!

    As a lawyer, X participated in the military commission trying the Lincoln assassination conspirators. X was also a Major General in the Union Army during the Civil War. While serving as governor of New Mexico (1878-81) he made the statement ``All calculations based on our experiences elsewhere fail in New Mexico.” This has been called the "The Curse of X". His greatest claim to fame is writing a novel during his gubernatorial stint. It was one of the best selling novels of the 19th century. Who?

    Answer - Ramprakash wrote "
    The answer is Lew Wallace who is the author of "Ben Hur" which was later made into an epic was the first book to be blessed by the Pope." Absolutely right !!!Too jus copy-pasted it...:)

    1 attempts:

    ramprakash said...

    The answer is Lew Wallace who is the author of "Ben Hur" which was later made into an epic was the first book to be blessed by the Pope.