Thursday, August 13, 2009

    Summer Bonanza #7 and #8 Answers

    Summer Bonanza #7:
    1. Blanks: Happiness Factory and the Company is Coca Cola
    2. Jeffrey Archer
    3. They are the only 5 women to have won both the best actress and the best supporting actress Oscars.
    4. Joomla!
    5. The Potala Palace
    6. Discovery Channel

    Points for this set:
    Vivek Nabhi: 40

    Summer Bonanza #8:
    1. Charlie Chaplin
    2. MATTHEW Hayden, MARK Waugh, LUKE Kenny and JOHN F Kennedy share their
    first names with the 4 gospels in the Bible
    3. Tea
    4. Ringo Starr
    5. The beginning of the partnership between Holmes and Watson

    Points for this set:
    Bijeet Mukherjee: 30

    0 attempts: