Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    Question of the Week #1

    Makin' an earnest effort to keep this going...here we go rollin' with Weekly questions...

    X may have been used for navigation, as a point of reference, In Alsaka they were used for herding this.

    X varies in shape and size.

    Most common type is a single stone positioned in an upright manner. Its often confused with something else which represents a human figure. More like if a cairn, took the form of a human. Don't give me X, but do tell me how the cairn is a contemporary topic.

    Oh yea... X looks somewhat like this!!!

    P.S. Answers will be out on Friday for the QOTW!

    Ans. Vancouver Olympics Logo. Kaushik gets this one...

    Have a look...

    3 attempts:

    Kaushik said...

    Vancouver Olympics logo

    Lokesh Awasthy said...


    Arun Krishnamoorthy said...

    Keep those answers coming. All answers (right answers have not yet been published - moderated)will be out on Friday night!!!