What do you get if you connect all these three pics
Ans. The World's fastest Indian.
Pic1 - Burt Munroe (Pic1) - character is played by Anthony Hopkins (Pic 2) in the movie. Pic 3 is one of the very first Indian Bikes.
Avishek Ray, Buckingfastard, Santosh Bhople, blogbyp, Sudipto Basu and JW
7 attempts:
again googled my way
1. Herbert Munro - holder of the highest spped record for less than 1000 cc mobike.
2. Hopkins played his role in world's fastest indian
3. and early version of a motorcycle from the Indian Motor Company
luvd da movie....world's fastest indian
pic 1 burt munro
pic 2 anthony hopkins who potrayed him in the movie
pic 3 1st indian bike
connect is Indian
pic shows Burt Munro, Anthony Hedstom and Anthony Hopkins in order.
Oscar Hedstom was co-founder of Indian Motorcycle Manufacturing Company, makers of the Indian Motorcycle.
Movie 'World's Fastest Indian' stars Anthony Hopkins. This movie is based on life of 'Burt Munro' and his highly modified Indian Scout Motorcycle
You have Kasauli,
A memorial for the Jallian Walla Bagh Massacre.
So, I'm guessing he's general Dyer.
COnnect is the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre.
and hey,
I;m adding your blog to my blogroll,
It'd be nice if you could add my blog
to your blogroll,
Pic 1.Burt Munro
Pic 2.Anthony Hopkins
Pic 3.Burt Munro's "INDIAN" bike
Connect-the movie "The World's Fatest Indian"
The World's Fastest Indian.
world's fastest indian
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