Friday, June 10, 2011


    This picture is based on whom?

    6 attempts:

    pranav said...

    tank man the unknown rebel

    Kapinjal Chowdhury said...

    tank man!

    Ameya said...

    'tank man' (a photograph by jeff widener from 1989, depicting an anonymous protester stopping a row of tanks on the beijing's tiananmen square)

    Quiz Inc said...

    Ameya, Kapinjal and Pranav have cracked it till keep attempting

    And those who have solved it please try other question belonging to 2011.

    Swashbuckler said...

    a parody on the famous 'tank man' dat pic by jeff widener, depicting an anonymous protester stopping a row of tanks on the beijing's tiananmen square, tank man 2 - by staging the original scene, but replacing the row of tanks by row of shiny hummers a mockery on hummers, tanks of the 21st century.

    Quiz Inc said...

    Sanu also gets this one..